June 4, 2023

Agreement between Asuu and Federal Government

The recent agreement between the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria is a positive step towards resolving the ongoing crisis in the country`s education sector. The agreement, which was reached after several months of negotiations, has been welcomed by stakeholders in the sector.

One of the key issues that led to the strike action was the non-payment of earned allowances by the government. Under the new agreement, the government has agreed to release N30 billion to ASUU for the payment of earned allowances. This is a significant win for ASUU, as the payment of earned allowances has been a major bone of contention in previous negotiations.

Another key issue that has been resolved is the funding of universities. The government has agreed to release N20 billion for the revitalization of universities, with an additional N5 billion being released to address the needs of the National Universities Commission (NUC) and other regulatory agencies. This is a significant boost for universities, which have been struggling due to inadequate funding.

In addition to these financial commitments, the government has also agreed to address other issues raised by ASUU, such as the implementation of the 2009 agreement and the payment of salaries to staff of university staff schools.

This agreement is a positive step towards resolving the crisis in the education sector. It shows that the government is willing to listen to the concerns of ASUU and take steps to address them. It also shows that ASUU is willing to engage in constructive dialogue with the government to find solutions to the challenges facing the sector.

From an SEO perspective, this agreement is likely to generate significant interest from people searching for information on the education sector in Nigeria. Articles that provide in-depth analysis of the agreement, its implications for the sector, and the way forward are likely to rank highly in search engine results pages. It is therefore important for copy editors to ensure that such articles are well-written, informative, and engaging, with relevant keywords and meta descriptions to optimize their visibility in search results.


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