September 15, 2023

Fixed Term Contract Poland

Fixed-term contracts are a popular and widely used form of employment in Poland. In recent years, the country has seen an increase in the use of fixed-term contracts, with many employers preferring them over indefinite term contracts due to their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. However, with this increase in the use of fixed-term contracts, there has also been a rise in questions and misunderstandings among employees and employers regarding their use and regulations. This article will provide an overview of fixed-term contracts in Poland and the key points that employees and employers need to know.

What is a fixed-term contract?

A fixed-term contract is a type of employment contract that defines a precise start and end date of employment. The duration of the contract is agreed upon by both the employee and employer. Fixed-term contracts can be for a specific project or task, or for a predetermined period of time.

The use of fixed-term contracts in Poland

Fixed-term contracts are widely used in Poland, particularly in industries with seasonal fluctuations in demand. Employers often use fixed-term contracts to fill temporary vacancies or to cover specific projects or tasks. Fixed-term contracts are also used as a measure of cost control, allowing employers to reduce their workforce during periods of reduced demand.

The regulations governing fixed-term contracts in Poland

Polish law regulates the use of fixed-term contracts to protect the rights of employees. According to the Labour Code, the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts is 33 months. Furthermore, the law stipulates that fixed-term contracts can only be renewed a maximum of three times. After this limit, the employer must offer the employee a permanent contract or end the employment relationship.

The law also states that employees on fixed-term contracts are entitled to the same rights and benefits as those on indefinite term contracts. This includes equal pay, vacation entitlement, and social benefits. Additionally, fixed-term employees are protected against discrimination and unfair dismissal.

Key points for employees and employers

Employees and employers should keep the following key points in mind when it comes to fixed-term contracts in Poland:

Employers must use fixed-term contracts in accordance with the regulations set out in the Labour Code.

The duration of fixed-term contracts cannot exceed 33 months.

Fixed-term contracts can only be renewed a maximum of three times.

Employees on fixed-term contracts are entitled to the same rights and benefits as those on indefinite term contracts.

Fixed-term employees are protected against discrimination and unfair dismissal.

In conclusion, fixed-term contracts are a popular and widely used form of employment in Poland. However, both employees and employers must be aware of their legal obligations and rights under Polish law. By understanding the regulations governing fixed-term contracts, employers can use them in a way that benefits both their business and their employees. Similarly, employees can ensure that their rights are protected and that they are not subject to discrimination or unfair dismissal.


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